conmemorando un nuevo aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo. Un 25 de Mayo de
1810 nació nuestra Patria. Ese día se votó el primer gobierno después de un histórico
“cabildo abierto”.
con emoción este día.
We celebrate a new anniversary of the May Revolution. Our
country was born on May 25th 1810 . That
day the first national government began to rule. There was a historial “open
cabildo” and a new government was voted.
Let's celebrate together.
The Cabildo and the May Pyramid are part of our history.
El Cabildo y la Pirámide de Mayo
son parte de nuestra historia.
The Cabildo de Buenos Aires is a colonial Town Hall. It was
built in 1580. It was made from adobe and thatch and it had five archs.The colonial Spanish administration in the city was
there. During the second half of the 18th century a new building was rebuilt. It was smaller and it had two archs. The Cabildo took
an important place in the Argentine Revolution in 1810. At present the Cabildo and the May Revolution National
Museum is held in this building.

The Pyramid in the centre of the Plaza de Mayo was built in 1811 to mark the first anniversary of Argentina's May Revolution.
La Pirámide que se encuentra en el centro de la Plaza de Mayo fue construida en 1811 para conmemorar el primer aniversario de la Revolución del 25 de Mayo.
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